June 27th 2010, a group of students from Los Altos, California's, Foothill College Anthropology Department, embarked upon an adventure in the small yet fascinating country of Belize.
With the generous help of Mic and Lucy Fleming and their land at Chaa Creek, the Students found themselves with the opportunity to work alongs side Ted and Linda Neff in their study of the agricultural practices of the ancient Maya.
As part of a larger Anthropology field school, the Foothill students were invited to work with the Neff's at Chaa Creek for a 1 week intensive on Maya farming, learning archaeological research methods, and participating in an experimental archaeology project.
In their gratitude for Mic and Lucy Fleming for so graciously welcoming them to work on their land, they have put together a small blog about their experiences.

My fellow students and I all agreed that the experience was not only helpful to our studies regarding Maya farming, but also taught us a greater appreciation for where our food comes from, and all the work that goes into the farming process. --(Caroline Springall)